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At-Large Candidate

Wicomico County Board of Education

Experience in Education

Prior to my employment with WCBOE, I served on several committees such as school PTA, program coordinator, Minority Affairs and Education Advocates, a community based organization endeavoring to serve as a liaison between the school and community.  The Minority Affairs Committee is responsible for such positions as Home-School Liaison and In-school suspension being implemented in Wico., Co., schools.  In gist, Home School Liaison addresses truancy issues and In-school suspension helps to correct behavior within school rather than dismissing a student from school.  Through Education Advocates, I introduced, coordinated and implemented the first County-wide mentoring program in Wicomico County, M.I.S.T.E.R, Men Inspiring Students to Enjoy Reading.  I also aided in developing Wicomico Mentoring Project.

Issues in Our Schools

I am motivated by several issues of concern affecting our schools, particularly, security/safety, discipline/student achievement and the welfare/wellbeing of our teachers/employees.  We have had occasions of weapons being brought into our schools.  I believe that we need to improve the security of our schools by installing metal detectors at entrances.  It would be a proactive and I believe, necessary measure considering the climate of our society.  Safety within schools are at risk also.  There are fights, bullying and varying intimidations.   Restrooms are often locked during the school day because of these sort of behaviors.  Utilizing these facilities in a safe and decent manner is a necessary process.  I believe that measures such as hiring dedicated hall, restroom and stairwell patrols could improve safety and free up teachers.  I believe that cameras installed within restrooms to cover the common space would improve safety and accountability, among other measures.


The welfare and wellbeing of our teachers, aides and substitutes are significant.  We need to treasure the teachers that have chosen to give their valuable time, expertise and care to preparing our students for the world.  Their health and mental care matters.  We need to ensure that they are receiving a living wage to support their families.  We also need to diversify our teachers.  We are dealing with a shortage of teachers, including substitutes.  So, we need to focus on retention.  Teachers are having to contend with many distractions within the classroom while trying to teach such as, fights, phones and horse play.  This brings me to an issue needing immediate attention, discipline.   


I believe that discipline and student achievement go hand in hand.  This may be an opportunity to incorporate family within the school/classroom experience to help bring about the decorum conducive to learning.  I believe that team work makes schools work.  I’ve often tried to impress upon students that they are an investment and their education is an investment and that they need to invest in themselves by appreciating and taking it to heart.   I believe that the code of conduct needs to be evaluated and updated to address the current school climate.


In conclusion, I believe that the Wicomico County School System is a gem.  I have three children and some grandchildren who have graduated from Wicomico County Schools.  I also currently have grandchildren attending schools in Wicomico.  Education is among the greatest investments we will make in our students.  I will diligently give my effort to make the beauty of this gem shine and will be a strong voice for education.  Thank you

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